This winter season has been particularly cold compared to the years past.
For instance, we had a blizzard last week and we got three feet of snow.
I couldn’t get my snowblower to work and I had to get the shovel out to crawl my way out of my house and make my way to my car. There was one day where we had a blizzard so bad that the roads were closed I couldn’t even make it to work. This is the result of living in a really cold climate. There are cities further north of here in this continent where it’s even colder and sometimes they don’t even have a spring season. Just go straight from freezing temperatures to warm ones during the course of May or June and a lot of these places of the world. But it’s bad enough where I live because I’m already struggling to keep my house warm when it gets cold outside. I have a wood stove that I run and also a furnace. But at times my room gets cold because of the drafts coming in from outside. That’s why I also have a space heater to use when I’m in my bedroom at night. But you need to remember to not leave the space heater on when you leave your room. Anything could happen to a space here, and even the cord itself could melt. That’s why it’s important to use good space heaters if you insist on utilizing them in your home. You don’t want to cheap out and buy the wrong kind of space heater. Especially if it leads to a fire hazard.