High velocity saved our old house

My beach house was built sometime in the late 1800s.

I like that we have the original hardwood floors, doors as well as moldings.

The high ceilings, big windows as well as ornate staircase are just elegant, then until about a year ago, however, the people I was with and I struggled to keep the living space cool in the Summer as well as warm in the winter. Without a conventional air duct, the people I was with and I were making do with a combination of electric furnaces as well as window air conditioners. The two of us invested into a natural gas fireplace that made a big difference in the comfort of the kitchen. With temperatures dropping to the negative twenties in the Winter as well as climbing into the low 90s in the summer, the people I was with and I needed a much more powerful, whole-house heating as well as cooling system. My wife as well as I were unwilling to destroy the historic integrity of the house in order to install an air duct. Tearing down ceilings as well as walls would have created a big mess as well as expense. After some extensive research, I finally came across high-velocity heating as well as cooling. This style of method is designed recognizably to retrofit into older homes without damage. The ducts consist of mini-pipes that are flexible as well as only multiple-inches in diameter. They can be routed through existing walls, around plumbing pipes as well as electrical outlets. The actual heating/cooling unit is compact enough that the people I was with and I were able to locate it in a closet. The high-velocity method uses a process of aspiration to quickly raise or lower room temperature. It delivers the conditioned air at such a high rate of speed that it creates a gentle suction. Because of the high-velocity system, our whole house is now perfectly comfortable all year round.
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